Facebook exists to rig public information and perceptions...” “Stanford Sociologists

Antonio Garcia-Martinez for The Guardian in London

For two years I was charged with turning Facebook data into money, by any legal means. If you browse the internet or buy items in physical stores, and then see ads related to those purchases on Facebook, blame me. I helped create the first versions of that, way back in 2012.

The ethics of Facebook’s micro-targeted advertising was thrust into the spotlight this week by a report out of Australia. The article, based on a leaked presentation, said that Facebook was able to identify teenagers at their most vulnerable, including when they feel “insecure”, “worthless”, “defeated” and “stressed”.

Facebook told advertisers it can identify teens feeling 'insecure' and 'worthless'

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Facebook claimed the report was misleading, assuring the public that the company does not “offer tools to target people based on their emotional state”. If the intention of Facebook’s public relations spin is to give the impression that such targeting is not even possible on their platform, I’m here to tell you I believe they’re lying through their teeth.

Just as Mark Zuckerberg was being disingenuous (to put it mildly) when, in the wake of Donald Trump’s unexpected victory, he expressed doubt that Facebook could have flipped the presidential election.

Facebook deploys a political advertising sales team, specialized by political party, and charged with convincing deep-pocketed politicians that they do have the kind of influence needed to alter the outcome of elections.

I was at Facebook in 2012, during the previous presidential race. The fact that Facebook could easily throw the election by selectively showing a Get Out the Vote reminder in certain counties of a swing state, for example, was a running joke.

Converting Facebook data into money is harder than it sounds, mostly because the vast bulk of your user data is worthless. Turns out your blotto-drunk party pics and flirty co-worker messages have no commercial value whatsoever.

But occasionally, if used very cleverly, with lots of machine-learning iteration and systematic trial-and-error, the canny marketer can find just the right admixture of age, geography, time of day, and music or film tastes that demarcate a demographic winner of an audience. The “clickthrough rate”, to use the advertiser’s parlance, doesn’t lie.

Without seeing the leaked documents, which were reportedly based around a pitch Facebook made to a bank, it is impossible to know precisely what the platform was offering advertisers. There’s nothing in the trade I know of that targets ads at emotions. But Facebook has and does offer “psychometric”-type targeting, where the goal is to define a subset of the marketing audience that an advertiser thinks is particularly susceptible to their message.

And knowing the Facebook sales playbook, I cannot imagine the company would have concocted such a pitch about teenage emotions without the final hook: “and this is how you execute this on the Facebook ads platform”. Why else would they be making the pitch?

The question is not whether this can be done. It is whether Facebook should apply a moral filter to these decisions. Let’s assume Facebook does target ads at depressed teens. My reaction? So what. Sometimes data behaves unethically.

I’ll illustrate with an anecdote from my Facebook days. Someone on the data science team had cooked up a new tool that recommended Facebook Pages users should like. And what did this tool start spitting out? Every ethnic stereotype you can imagine. We killed the tool when it recommended then president Obama if a user had “liked” rapper Jay Z. While that was a statistical fact – people who liked Jay Z were more likely to like Obama – it was one of the statistical truths Facebook couldn’t be seen espousing.

Facebook is watching us, but who’s watching Facebook? | Shahidha Bari

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I disagreed. Jay Z is a millionaire music tycoon, so what if we associate him with the president? In our current world, there’s a long list of Truths That Cannot Be Stated Publicly, even though there’s plenty of data suggesting their correctness, and this was one of them.

African Americans living in postal codes with depressed incomes likely do respond disproportionately to ads for usurious “payday” loans. Hispanics between the ages of 18 and 25 probably do engage with ads singing the charms and advantages of military service.

Why should those examples of targeting be viewed as any less ethical than, say, ads selling $100 Lululemon yoga pants targeting thirtysomething women in affluent postal codes like San Francisco’s Marina district?

The hard reality is that Facebook will never try to limit such use of their data unless the public uproar reaches such a crescendo as to be un-mutable. Which is what happened with Trump and the “fake news” accusation: even the implacable Zuck had to give in and introduce some anti-fake news technology. But they’ll slip that trap as soon as they can. And why shouldn’t they? At least in the case of ads, the data and the clickthrough rates are on their side.”

Antonio Garcia-Martinez was a Facebook product manager (2011-2013) and is the author of Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley.

And who profits off of Facebook’s corruption and political shenanigans? NANCY PELOSI:

Nancy Pelosi Rigged The 2017 Federal Budget To Put Over $16M In Her Covert Stock Market Funds

The corrupt, booze-loving,and barely coherent, Nancy Pelosi has sunk to even greater depths. No wonder Pelosi won’t do anything to end corruption in California. Her bank account is based on corruption.

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Nancy Pelosi's In-Flight Food And Drink Costs? $101,000. Vince Veneziani; ... Look at all the booze on this receipt pictured right!


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Congress Cashes in on Insider Trading. ... He cleverly arranged his portfolio so that if the American people lost, he would make a profit. It's appalling.


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OBAMA PAST A BILL TO STOP INSIDER TRADING IN CONGRESS AND IN JUST A FEW MONTHS WENT ... Since Congress is to represent the people let's make them be like ...


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... to get away with insider trading, ... people did was not legally insider trading under the ... Congress cannot get away with formal insider ...


Insider trading - Wikipedia

General information. Insider Trading Informational page from the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) Testimony Concerning Insider Trading, by Linda Thomsen ...


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Congress insiders: Above the law? - CBS News

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Congress: Trading stock on inside information? - 60 Minutes ...

Congress: Trading stock on inside information? ... Congress: Trading stock on insi... Questioning Pelosi: Steve Kroft... Update on "60 Minutes" report: ...


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Court Strikes on Insider Trading, and Congress Lobs Back. White Collar Watch. ... Democrat of Massachusetts, introduced the "Ban Insider Trading Act."


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... who is being shielded by Congress from an alleged insider trading scheme. ... saying it was time to "rebuild trust between Washington and the American people. ...


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... The SEC Should Launch Investigation Immediately. ... from insider-trading laws, so Congress-people are ... trading of Congress-people after ...


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... Society "Fair to All People: The SEC and Regulation of Insider Trading ... insider trading information was ... on Insider Trading by Congress Prompts Massive ...


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Should insider trading by Congress be ... by law and the rules of Congress. The American people need to know ... against insider trading by Congress because it ...


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... The U.S. House on Friday eliminated a key requirement of the insider trading ... Congress are Crooks ... people should have to follow the insider ...


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Congress: Trading stock on inside information? ... The people support congressional insider trading. ... That excludes the U.S. Congress of course which exempts ...


Former Female Employee Accuses Lying Facebook of Gender Bias: Report

By Brendan Weber

Getty Images

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg delivers the keynote address at Facebook's F8 Developer Conference. (April 18, 2017)

A former Facebook engineer claims her old employer disproportionately favored code written by men compared to woman, but the social networking giant is refuting the basis of that allegation.

The female employee, who reportedly spent several years with the Menlo Park-based company, conducted a data analysis and found that code created by female employees was "rejected much more frequently than code written by their male colleagues," the Wall Street Journal reported.

The analysis, which examined five years of data and was posted in September, specifically indicated that when female engineers submitted potential code, they were denied 35 percent more than male employees, according to the newspaper.

A Facebook spokesperson countered the reliability of the claim.

"As we have explained, the Wall Street Journal is relying on analysis that is incomplete and inaccurate – performed by a former Facebook engineer with an incomplete data set," a Facebook spokesperson said. "Any meaningful discrepancy based on the complete data is clearly attributable not to gender but to seniority of the employee. In fact, the discrepancy simply reaffirms a challenge we have previously highlighted – the current representation of senior female engineers both at Facebook and across the industry is nowhere near where it needs to be.”